Archive for improv

Episode 25 – Ringo

Posted in Podcast episode with tags , on 15th November 2012 by admin

Ring gives an improvised monologue based on an audience suggestion. Recorded 5th September 2012.

Episode 25 – Ringo (8.4 MB, 5m 34s)

Episode 14 — Lisa Ricketts and Ed Illades

Posted in Podcast episode with tags , on 12th April 2012 by admin

Sydney’s Lisa Ricketts and New York’s Ed Illades perform a Chicago style improv set. The full set went for 45 minutes, this is a 24 minute snapshot of 3 connected scenes. Recorded 12th October 2011.

Episode 14 – Lisa Ricketts and Ed Illades.m4a (35.4 MB, 24m 58s)

Episode 9 – Peter and Richard

Posted in Podcast episode with tags , , on 26th January 2012 by admin

Peter Lead and Richard Bennett improvise a short play from scratch, using some show callbacks about lifts and fries. Recorded 28th September 2011.

Episode 9 – Peter and Richard.m4a (14.5 MB, 9m 31s)